Friday, July 13, 2012

The long road home...

My recent journey back to Texas seemed to be blessed - the trains were prompt enough for me to make my five minute layover, but delayed when I happened to get off at the wrong train station for almost ten minutes (Frankfurt main is not the same as Frankfurt flughafen - thank god for American businessmen in Europe!). I had my own cabin in the economy class train perfect for a morning snooze, and arrived at the airport with enough time to enjoy my travel breakfast of choice - a warm, fresh, egg Mcmuffin (never gets old).

I boarded the plane early, and was greeted by a perplexed seat mate who said "that's weird... the flight attendant told me she moved me to this row so no one would be next to me..." I can deal with unfriendliness, if that is what you are thinking. In fact, for a 10 hour flight I would prefer to sit back, pop a benedryl, and doze off with some good tunes - no need for conversation.

Sadly, after squeezing into 12J, I realized this was not that type of journey. The center arm rest was raised and it was apparent it would never come down and it was fully engulfed by the side of my neighbor. An extra seatbelt was ordered, and for the next ten hours, 1/3 of my seat was occupied by something with a weird cheese/smelly feet odor.

 The silver lining? Several hilarious, completely stereotypical incidents including when I was asked "are you going to use your butter??" and "are you not going to eat those cookies??". True story. Shocking, I know.

I would like to enter politics just to pass a law mandating the purchase of a second seat when a second seatbelt is required (Becca- if you're reading this, can you give me a quick government crash course?). But in the meantime, I am looking forward to some suddenly needed R&R (don't I sound like and army wife already??) in the great state of Texas, and the much anticipated wedding of my dear friend Tyler!

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