Monday, August 6, 2012

Road Trippin'

This weekend I learned that for some reason, road trippin' across Europe is far more interesting than that across the US. This is not only because everything is new and foreign, but also because every small town you pass has so much history, and at least in Germany, includes an unbelievable castle in the city center. As Patrick and I drove west, we saw no abandoned buildings or run-down neighborhoods, but instead pristine German villages just as you would imagine. 
Patrick and I made our way to Heidelberg (more on that fabulous city to come), then checked out Ramstein Air Base on the way home. The highlights of our road trip (excluding Heidelberg!) included:
1) Learning that on the German radio station, you can hear the seven-dirty-words loud and clear in all songs. We found it wildly entertaining to hear the F-word loud and clear over our radio.
2) Attending a true matinee movie on Sunday. Apparently the Air Force actually springs for a real movie theaters unlike the Army, which uses the auditorium awkwardly to screen films at 7:00 pm only. 
3) Eating at Macaroni Grill... embarrassing as that might be. We forgot how much we missed getting free ice water when we sat down at a restaurant. 
4) Discovering that Germany reads my blog as well and they responded to my last post with a breathtaking full double rainbow, far more gorgeous than the last one I saw back in Texas. 

1 comment:

  1. That double rainbow is beautiful!!
    P.s. keep the posts coming...I need some good distractions while studying :)
    Miss you!!
