Thursday, September 20, 2012

Andy Warhol in Amberg!

Not quite sure how our tiny city of Amberg landed a pretty impressive Andy Warhol exhibit, but they did! If you are living in Bavaria- it is worth checking out for the €4 admission fee. Not only do they have a few Marilyns and a Campbell Soup print, but they also featured some I had not studied in my text book that were particularly interesting for our area: four Neuschwanstein Castle prints and the "Seven Jews" series complete with Einstein, Freud, and Kafka.

Neuschwanstein Castle

I also loved the Brooks Brothers suit Andy once wore (he was not a big guy to say the least!), and the rejection letter from the MoMA - wonder if they regret that now..
Bonus: the major explanations are featured in English as well as German!

Couldn't resist putting this one in here... 

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