Monday, May 20, 2013

Nuremberg Spotlight: Blaue Nacht

Every year in early May, the museums, churches, and other sights of Nuremberg stay open until the wee hours of the morning to receive around 120,000 visitors on the Blaue Nacht (Blue Night). The buildings participating are literally lit up blue to guide your way through the Altstadt's sights, making it the perfect opportunity to see the sights in a different light (pun intended). Patrick and I strolled along the romantic, blue-lit streets, listened to a free classical music concert in a local church, and enjoyed the energy of the city well past midnight. Though we did not stay to see just how late things were open, judging by the crowd at 1:00 am, we were not even close to the tail end. If you have yet to see some of the churches and museums in Nuremberg, this is a magical night to do so. Even if you have hit them all, seeing the St. Lorenz Church glow in the middle of the Altstadt makes it worth the train ride!

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