Friday, August 23, 2013

Where's the beef?

As mentioned in my previous post, many of the German cities, especially in Bavaria, hold an annual Stadtfest (city festival) for one weekend during the summer. Though we did not find a hamburger at the Regensburger Bürgerfest (citizen's festival), I did have two unique "pinch-me" moments that will not be forgotten~

Drinking beer on the steps of the Regensburger Dom (Cathedral, pictured above): I want to be clear that we were not rogue, disrespectful fest-goers. They actually had tables set up next to the gorgeous Catholic church. I couldn't help but wonder how many times Pope Benedict XVI visited this church while he was a professor at the University of Regensburg. I can't argue with that as a festival backdrop.

Dancing to Luckenbach, Texas and singing along to Sweet Home Alabama: One of the more amazing country cover bands was playing right along the Danube river. Here they are playing some Waylon Jennings, and the fabulous cluster of impressive line dancers that enjoyed the music almost as much as us. A few weeks prior, Patrick had said the only thing that would make German fests better is some solid country music. We found the jackpot!

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