Thursday, August 23, 2012

2nd only to Oktoberfest!

October in America = sexy Halloween costumes like the ones in this picture

Oktober in Deutschland = largest fest in Germany complete with steins of Beir, long picnic tables, and millions of people dancing on those tables with their Bier steins

August in Deutschland = 2nd largest fest in Germany, with millions of people in the aforementioned costumes, also dancing on tables with one-liter steins of Bier!

Unless you have lived in Germany, you probably did not know that people actually wear the Lederhosen (aka little German boy) or Dirndl (aka sexy German beer waitress) outfits. Also, you have probably never heard of the 2nd largest fest in Germany, Gäubodenvolksfest. I know Patrick and I didn't know about either before moving here!
Unlike the infamous Oktoberfest in Munich, all signs were in German only at Gäubodenvolksfest, which lacked the enormous tourist population of Oktoberfest. It was also possible to get a table and a Bier without a reservation. Even so, without a doubt my favorite part was the traditional Bavarian outfits like Kyle's below. Clearly buying our own outfits is high on our to-do list!

P.S. The icing on the cake? Readers pick between:
a) pre-gaming the fest with a couple cold ones on the train
b) dancing on the tables and singing along at the end of the night
c) Patrick buying me the first fro-yo we have seen in Deutschland thus far

1 comment:

  1. Oh god, this is hard. My first guess was the fro-yo...second guess is dancing on tables and singing at the end of the night and throwing in your DINO DANCE
