Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bayern München

Patrick and me with the back of the President of the Vilseck fan club!
I have quickly learned that soccer is a BIG deal across Europe. After moving to Bavaria, I of course noticed that Bayern Munich was a popular team. But after further research, it is actually the most popular team in Germany and the 5th most popular across Europe with over 20 million supporters. Their fan club is the largest organized club in Germany with over 147,000 members. Even the Pope way over in the Vatican is a fan!
Recently, we had the opportunity of a lifetime to attend one of the many sold-out games. In Munich. During Oktoberfest. Below is what ensued:

After the Texas Rangers broke my heart last week, I think I may have found just the remedy to put it back together. It doesn't hurt that Bayern Munich is also undefeated and #1 in the Bundesliga either...

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