Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Beautiful Bamberg

Anyone interested in a gondola ride?

I have yet to be so jealous of another city in Germany. The city of Bamberg literally has it all. Not only is it the most perfect German town I have yet to lay eyes on (I am not alone in my assessment here, it is a UNESCO world heritage site), but Bamberg has the goods to back it up.

Bamberg's historical town hall
built on an artificial island: Altes Rathaus
In our six hour whirlwind trip, we:
  • Snapped an obligatory but amazing shot next to the Altes Rathaus (seriously, only the coolest city builds their town hall on an artificial island in the middle of a bridge)
  • Ate sushi, which is a rarity in the center of Germany
  • Watched a kayaking lesson on the river
  • Debated a gondola ride
  • Snacked on frozen yogurt for the first time in six months
  • Tried their unique smoked Rauchbeir (think beer + bacon flavoring)
  • Browsed a fashionably worthy boutique
  • Participated in a city-wide bar hop
  • Ended the night at the top of one of the city's seven hills (Rome has some competition here) in a biergarten, with a beer, overlooking the city with a fabulous group of friends

There is more to come on this city because I am going to need a whole weekend to even graze the surface, or perhaps I'll just set up camp and stomach the 1.5 hour commute during the week!

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