Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Who wants to share a keg anyway?

Have you ever cheered on a keg stand, then hesitated before begrudgingly using the same tap to pour your beer? If thinking about the germs ever cramps your drinking style, or you just want to pour and drink beer like a boss, Nuremberg has the place for you!

Just five minutes from the Hauptbahnhof on the main street lies Barfüßer. The unassuming facade wipes your expectations, which are then immediately re-lifted as you walk down the old staircase into a bustling beer hall.
The food and drink are typical for a German beer hall - brats, schnitzel, spatzle, hefeweizen, and dunkle beir. The treat is in the presentation. I felt like I was sitting in the Hogwarts dining hall, but with an abundance of alcohol. 600 people can dine simultaneously in the downstairs section - when a bachelor party broke out in song, we of course felt inclined to join!
The highlight of the night was pouring our own beer from our personal 5L kegs. Our table ordered one for each end. I was thankful to have been seated next to a friend who aced the Guinness pouring class during his St. Patty's trip to Dublin, and I reaped the rewards big time.
If you are looking for a solid, inexpensive German experience, complete with German food, a personal keg, and hopefully some singing Germans, this is without a doubt worth a stop!

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