Friday, July 26, 2013

Amberg Altstadt Fest

Who knew our humble village of under 50,000 could throw such an impressive festival?
During the summer in Germany, most cities hold some kind of Stadt (city) fest. They usually only span one weekend, which makes the extensive events even more impressive. Recently, we attended our local Stadtfest - the Amberger Altstadtfest. Who knew that a town of under 50,000 could draw such a crowd? There was not a nook nor cranny uncovered by festival spirit in the Amberg Altstadt. We counted five stages with various bands, several family friendly sidewalk performers, all of the major local breweries, and countless brats.

This is my favorite festival to date - not just because of the five minute walk from my house. The city is a manageable size but offers plenty of attractions for the fest. There was a substantial crowd to encourage singing along, but we did not have trouble finding a table. It also didn't hurt that the sun was shining down on a perfect 70 degree weekend!

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