Thursday, May 31, 2012

Howdy Germany!

Howdy from Germany! Today is our first day in the lovely country of Germany and it started off with a bang - literally. I thought we were being attacked!! It turns out they shoot a cannon and play the taps song every morning at 6:30 am. I was entirely unaware that anyone other than the camp on Salute your Shorts had this tradition! Thankfully, jet-lag awoke Patrick bright and early and the explosion was not my alarm clock.
I am off to explore the beautiful Bavarian surroundings, but a couple words of German that we picked up in our first couple hours:
Hallo! = Howdy! (that is easy to remember, right? Much simpler than Guten Tag!)
Kรคse = cheese (very important for yours truly)

1 comment:

  1. CHEESE. of course you would want to learn that word, Kelsey haha. Can't wait for more possssssssts!
