Friday, June 1, 2012

Getting our feet wet

Day one has passed, and I have learned that the cannon + music happens twice daily, and it is directly across the street! Definitely helps with jet-lag - keeps us awake past 5:30 pm and makes sure we are up at 6:30 am!
Yesterday, Patrick and I discovered part of the Army base. We received information on phone  plans: word of the wise - if you are moving overseas, go to you wireless provider and have them "unlock" your phone from their plan so you can use it with another provider overseas.
We also took our first stab at housing. We are focusing on a city call Amberg. It is a 13th century town that is surrounded by a large wall. Apparently, there used to be a significant mote and, if you were not within the city walls by 10:00 pm, they would throw tar at people trying to enter the city for protection. Amberg has a great train station that would make trips across Europe quite convenient!
Some great friends set us up with a couple "pay as you go" phones so at least we do not have to communicate via notes left in the hotel room, but other than that our to-do list is quite long: 1) pass the German driver's license test, 2) buy a car, 3) get a cell phone plan, 4) find a place to live! 5) get a job.
We are looking forward to travelling with friends this weekend. I am looking forward to getting off of the base for a few days and enjoying the perfect German weather.
Some very easy German for y'all. All of these words are pronounced the same in English so they are easy to learn:
Bed = Bett
Beer = Bier
Wine = Wein

1 comment:

  1. YAY for the cannon!! Living on a military installation is definitely a change from the real-world. I hope that you are enjoying Germany and everything it holds for you and PRob! We hope to see you soon! xo --
